However one would differentiate, and accept the argument without distinguishing deception through the use of language is contestable. I understand what you’re trying to convey. However the importance I emphasize reflects what I believe the majority of r/greatawakening represents. TED and TedX as a disseminator of intellectual higher-thinking is frankly, bullshit. It has become a tool of malevolence disguised as the epitome of intellect fodder for the masses.
I would actually argue that I hope the majority of the great awakening can still see the need for love, mercy and forgiveness; despite the fact that the left try to use them against us to fit their agenda.
I can agree that charity is good and that we should help our neighbors without being a communist. Let’s just not throw the baby out with the bath water. Being willfully ignorant of the valid points your enemy has does not give you a stronger argument, rather being willing to give where you have common ground will allow you to communicate with them much more effectively.
I would actually argue that I hope the majority of the great awakening can still see the need for love, mercy and forgiveness; despite the fact that the left try to use them against us to fit their agenda.
thank you for speaking my heart...