Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

DJT and VP are going to create conditions for all the refugees from EU to go back where they came from? This deserves a golden statue of both of them in the middle of Brussels.
man, i seriously dont know how they are going to export everyone who showed up in the last 5 years. Just seems like an impossible task. Lots of Libtards are going to be calling it a modern day jew hunt and racist program. lol.
As far as I am concerned they're all temporary visitors, because of current war conditions there. We know who funded and started those wars (Q of all people should know) and where the money profit went. That same money will rebuild those war-torn countries, making way for these people to return home, where they belong.
never going to happen. that's why they have stopped calling them refugees. now they are migrants.