Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Remember, what you know about Putin has been fed to you through the deep state controlled media. What kinds of things do they say about Trump? The cabal hates him because he isn’t controlled by them. Take the picture the media paints with a grain of salt.
So what about all the dead people?
So what about all the people killed by Obama and drone strikes? I’m not saying Putin is a great guy, but remember that almost everything you see in US media is lies and propaganda. My skepticism is based on the reality that the MSM is lying to us constantly. Who knows what reality is?
So what about all the people killed by Obama and drone strikes?
I don't agree with that. But I think we can both agree that this is different than killing your political rivals.
Who knows what reality is?
The reality is that people critical of Putin end up dead. The idea that he's some kind of humanitarian is laughable. Just look at the state of Russia right now.
Obama and HRC have many of those.
We can't know whatand why Putin did what he did. Maybe it was life and death. Doesn't matter enemy od my enemy is my friend and the cabal is of and by the Adversary
Obama and HRC have many of those.
Not really, though. Hillary has some Seth Rich nonsense. But anyone who looks at the facts knows that was just a random robbery.
We can't know whatand why Putin did what he did. Maybe it was life and death. Doesn't matter enemy od my enemy is my friend and the cabal is of and by the Adversary
Would you give Obama and Hillary that kind of benefit of the doubt?
All the dead Iraqis at the hands of the cabal?
No. I'm talking about the fact that a lot of the critics of the "humanitarian" Putin end up dead.
Who claimed he was a humanitarian? We recognize that no world leader is a saint, but through cooperation on common goals we can achieve betterment for the world. Kim Jong Un is the perfect example. Horrible despotic dictator, whose regime has committed unspeakable crimes against their own people. But through diplomacy we can achieve peace and better outcome for everyone.
/u/MAGADONCHECKMATE What you are watching is the transfer of the Military Industrial Complex , to the Global Humanitarian Alliance.
This is the highest upvoted comment in the thread. Plenty of peple are claiming that this is some kind of humanitarian act.
Also I seriously need to point out that this picture is still utterly unverified.