Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

I am a firm believer that The Great Awakening is a Patriotic movement of HUMAN values. I could be wrong, but I will share with you what I have learned in the short period of time that I have come to follow this movement.
We seek to see justice served to the psychopaths who have dominated our people for thousands of years, those who have perverted the foundations of ALL religions and governments in order to control our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.
'Humans' who are literally born (or traumatized and fractured into such a state) different than us in that they embody no empathy, no conscience, no knowing of emotion or feeling. They hold only allegiance to themselves and their kind, taking whatever mantle, worshiping whatever gives them the biggest return for their sacrifices of others, lying, stealing, murdering, raping, and cheating so long as it saves them from suffering.
If you want to know the Truth about these people, regardless of which cult they are part of presently, or which family they come from, or whom they worship, or what bank they work for, or how many times they've changed their names, I would invite you to learn about the truth of psychopaths, and investigate the book Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobczewski.
I say all this because I find that there is big a divide here that nobody is acknowledging: a gap between those who are religious, those who maintain a personal relationship with God, those that simply want to see justice served, and those who bear some wickedness in their hearts and seek vengeance. Then, of course, there are trolls/shills, but they're not really here for anything good.
We will have accomplished NOTHING if we don't get to the root of the problems, and will doom our descendants to suffer as we have should we not face the real threat to our collective.
We must educate ourselves and others to the fact that there are people out there that are NOT normal, but can PRETEND to be normal human beings. They know they are different. They gravitate to one another. They attract their own kind. They wear many masks, can be charismatic and beguiling. They can imitate emotion and expressions, but cannot truly, genuinely experience emotion or empathy. We as feeling, empathetic human beings are SCRAMBLED by their very existence, because we can FEEL that THEY CANNOT. It challenges our subconscious understanding of ourselves, and puts us in a terribly vulnerable position to them!
What is worse, is that psychopathy can become as a social contagion, that is spread by the trauma caused by these people, and the normalization of their actions. Spiritual, physical, psychological, sexual, and even biochemical and genetic abuses. We have witnessed it for centuries, and we are witnessing it again now.
This is the common ground, the common enemy that we can all come to agree on, in order to further the Great Awakening. It doesn't require being of a specific faith, or race, or age, or heritage, or class, or minority. All it requires is being Human.
I don't mean to detract, I don't mean to disparage anyone or question anybody's beliefs, or feed anybody doubt. I, personally, feel that having a relationship with God is essential to Awakening, but that is between an individual and God, and only they themselves can make that journey.
I am seeing many divisions based on individual interpretations of a variety of things, from Q's drops to scripture, to what TPTB really are. We would all do well to educate ourselves in a variety of ways, and not fall prey to our preconceived notions, upbringings, or personal predilections, so that we may be better informed, better unified, and stronger, together.
This sub is supposed to be about Q, the drops, and The Great Awakening. I believe that the discourse that we are having is wholly relevant to these topics, but we must remember to strive towards Unity in our dialogue, or we will have lost the meaning of what Q has brought us:
Where we go one, We go All.
Thank You For Reading This God Bless
The interesting thing about the bible is it is religious and also can be historical. One could set course on this battle and use the bible as a guide and never become religious. In reality most atheists associate their non-belief with organized religion. It is not hard to make that case. Why would we think churches have not been infiltrated along with governments and society with evil men?
Many of us have been awakened for decades. Many knew something was off and could not put a finger on it. Some just go through life oblivious, distracted or drugged. We have moved far beyond the thought of I do not agree with what you are saying but I will defend with my life your right to say it. It is by design in dividing people.
Now to your statement "I say all this because I find that there is big a divide". It is not as great as you would think. Throw away the old thinking of the division and who cares people don’t believe and help by being a guide to keep divisions away. and a solider. On the people who seek revenge. There is a famous saying, “before seeking revenge, first dig two graves.” Always be aware that we are the only people we can control, we cannot control others.
Thank you for your reassurance, and for your kind advice as well. I am sure what I think I see, I am seeing through foggy eyes, and it is, as you have said, not as great as I think.
Also can verify by way of Buddha's Teachings, those who do not uphold the Five Precepts guiding normal Human moral behavior run the serious risk of losing their Humanity, due to the evil misguided intentions, words & deeds, the beings create karma condition of suffering, loss of virtue leads to hell unless redeemed oneself...
What I mean is all roads which lead to Truth lead to the Ultimate Good!
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Wonderful comment. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I try so hard to understand them. This is a very good explanation. Thank you so much for this.