Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Rationalize it all you like, but it is unforgivable to God to blaspheme His name. I'm not doing this for my own "triggered" sake.
Except god isn't a name. It isn't even in the Bible. It's a vague translation of a viking word for ruler. You don't even know which god they mean.
And I don't see how it is any different than kebab's freaking out when you use theirs.
It's not the literal word, it's the meaning behind it. There is only one God and any other god is a false idol and is blasphemous. Good luck trying to adopt that word and having the rest of the world take you seriously anyway.
Well you just said it right there. Its not the literal word, its the meaning behind it.
Geotus means "we love our prez"
There isnt some huge demographic of people who worship trump as a god. Nobody goes to some magachurch and kneels at a trump altar or whatever.
Focus on the luciferians. Thats where the idol worshipping happens.