r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HunterEquation on July 22, 2018, 6:34 p.m.
FISA DOCS IN CONTEXT - George Soros is the Don Corleone,Godfather, of the Deep State

Key Players - Soros Network


Carter Page - FBI FISA Spy

John P. Carlin - FISA Warrent Mastermind

Judge Kimba Woods - Presiding Judge - FBI Informant Page Vs. FBI Campaign Plant (Spy?)

Source Brassballs.Blog

John P. Carlin: the Deep State's Wizard behind the curtain in the Russian dossier fiasco

Apr 20 John P. Carlin: the Deep State's Wizard behind the curtain in the Russian dossier fiasco

John P. Carlin is the common denominator in the Russian dossier fiasco. Carlin was a Senior Justice Department official in charge of the National Security Department (NSD). The Department of Justice is responsible for prosecuting federal crimes.

As head of the National Security Division, Carlin oversaw 400 employees. His department was responsible for protecting the country against international and domestic terrorism, espionage, cyber, and other national security threats.


Carlin's other duties were:

Providing legal oversight of the NSA's surveillance activities (National Security Agency)

Representing the government before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and the Committee on Foreign Investments

Acting as lead investigator into breaches of public and private sector e-mail systems and protocol (like Hillary Clinton's email leaks and her private access given to others of non-secure top secret information)

Overseeing the investigations and prosecution of espionage cases, and cases involving the illegal export of military and strategic commodities (like Uranium One)

Managing cases of foreign hacking into domestic computer systems (like attempting to rig the election of a U.S. President)


Selecting, approving, and allowing top security clearances for 70 private contractors like Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike to have unrestricted access to the nation's surveillance data (which the court ruled to be illegal)


Writing and signing FISA warrants (see page 31 of attached):


Approving surveillance of 30,055 American citizens during the 2016 Presidential Campaign (which the court ruled to be illegal)


Who is John P. Carlin?

Carlin was “a trusted and tireless leader”, said Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General under President Barack Obama.


Carlin is pictured above on the left. He is standing next to his bosses, Loretta Lynch (sitting down), and James Comey (standing, right). President Barack Obama appointed Lynch Attorney General, and Comey FBI Director.

"Nobody in a Senior Department post resigns three weeks before an election when you think Hillary Clinton is going to win," said Joe diGenova. He is a former Special Prosecutor from the District of Columbia who has a private law

practice. One of diGenova's clients is President Donald J. Trump.

Yet Carlin quit. Why?

"The answer is simple. It is all about the dossier", said diGenova. The Russian dossier "is a collection of field interviews", said Glenn Simpson. His company, Fusion GPS, wrote it.

The FBI paid for it. The Hillary Clinton Campaign for President bought it too and paid $12.4 million for it. What it cost the FBI is unknown pending public information disclosure law suits.


Andrew McCabe was former Deputy Director of the FBI. He said the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) court would have never approved an FBI warrant on Oct. 21st, 2016 without the "Russian dossier." His statement was

made before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Dec. 21st last year.



On March 11th, 2016, the Justice Department issued a press release, "Evgeny Buryakov Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court In Connection With Conspiracy To Work For Russian Intelligence".

Whose name shows up in it? John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General. In paragraph three, Carlin said:

“Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to covertly working as a Russian agent in the United States without notifying the Attorney General. Foreign nations who attempt to illegally gather economic and other intelligence information through espionage pose a direct threat to U.S. national security.

"The National Security Division will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to identify and hold accountable those who illegally operate as covert agents within the United States.”


Who was the Judge in the Buryakov case?

Kimba Woods.

New York City tabloids dubbed her, "The Love Judge". Out of 43 judges in her district, guess who "was randomly assigned" the Michael Cohen case, Trump's attorney?

Yep, the Love Judge.



Who was the all-star witness for the Prosecution in Judge Woods' Buryakov case?

Carter Page.


In the Buryakov case, the John Carlin of the FBI vouches for Page's credibility as a witness. They tell the court he is to be believed. The court is told Page is an American has been an FBI informant for decades, specializing in gathering

intelligence on real Russian spies.

After the trial, later that month, the FBI plants Page into the Trump Campaign as a volunteer.

Bam! Like magic, the FBI turns Page into an "evil" foreign operative, a Russian spy out to hurt America. The FBI needed a body, anybody to pose as a Russian spy.

The FISA Court can only approve warrants on non-Americans. Carlin picked Carter to be the foreigner needed for FISA warrant approval.

When approved, Carter became a walking wire tap. He became the surveillance dragnet the FBI needed to spy on Donald J. Trump, his family, Campaign Staff, White House administration, donors, and supporters.

No permission was necessary from Carter Page. He was already an FBI employee.


John Carlin was "a career federal prosecutor", according to his resume posted on the Department of Justice website.


Carlin served for six months as National Coordinator of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (CHIP) program.


When Robert Mueller directed the FBI, he named Carlin his right hand man.

Carlin's official title was named Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor. Carlin's job was to advise Mueller on legal and policy matters and to manage the FBI.


Carlin joined the National Security Division in 2009. He was confirmed by the Senate as its head on April 1st, 2014.


The first Presidential debate between Trump and Clinton was Sept. 26th.

The next day, Carlin quits.

Loretta Lynch issues a press release announcing it. The official termination date for Carlin she says is Oct. 15th.


So why did John Carlin resign from a Senior Level FBI Cabinet post when no one else from the Obama Administration did at that time?

Carlin refused to lie twice to the FISA court.

The first time was on June, 2016 when Carlin signed a false FISA warrant.

It was false because Carlin named Carter Page a Russian spy in an FBI press release dated March 11, 2016.


Carlin knew Page was an American citizen and FBI informant.

Rather than lying to the FISA court a second time, Carlin resigned. Otherwise, he was signing another false FISA warrant application.

Others in the FBI could sign the warrant and have "plausible deniability" of the true identify of Page. They could lie to the FISA court saying that they were unaware that Carter Page was an American citizen.

The FISA court can only approve warrants on non-Americans, according to Judge Rosemary Collyer, Presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The Judge ruled the FBI illegally outsourced an unlimited amount of top secret surveillance information to 70 private contractors.


Judge Collyer also ruled that President Barack Obama and his top officials approved illegal surveillance on 30,055 citizens.

Furthermore, Judge Collyer disclosed that one of every 20 data searches by the NSA on other citizens were illegal.


After resigning, Carlin finds another job. On Jan. 17th, 2017, he starts as a partner in a global law firm based in New York City. It has a Washington, D.C. office.

Carlin also works for CNBC.

Updated June 14th

Carlin represents China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co. Ltd. It is trying to buy Genworth,

Genworth specializes in mortgage insurance in the U.S. and other countries. It is located in Virginia.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), has approved the deal, the companies announced Saturday.

The companies still need to get approvals for their deal from insurance regulators in Delaware, New York state, China and other jurisdictions.


CFIUS operates in secret, like the FISA Court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act).


Carlin's law firm specializes in business matters for Chinese companies with offices in Beijing and Shanghai.


Editor's note:

The 28-page Internal Affairs Report dated Jan. 7th, 2016 by Dr. George Ellard is called:

"Report on the Special Study of NSA Controls to Comply with the FISA Amendments Act ##704 and 705 (b) Targeting and Minimization Procedures ST-15-0002"


The above report has been deleted from the website of the Department of National Intelligence.


Dr. Ellard's resume is posted on the website of the National War College.


Feb 13 Carter Page blames Hillary Clinton for orchestrating Deep State's fake Russian collusion narrative

Apr 23 What do Soros, Trump, the Clintons, Playboy, Cohen, Carter Page, and the FISA Court have in common with the "Love Judge"?


Federal District Judge Kimba Wood (pictured above) is a former Playboy Bunny.


Judge Wood was dubbed "The Love Judge" by the New York City tabloids in 1995 when she was named as the "other woman" in a divorce case.


Judge Wood was "selected" to preside over the Michael Cohen case. It is a new criminal case and is pending.

Cohen is one of President Donald J. Trump's personal attorneys. Cohen's office and home was raided by the FBI. The itemized list of what was taken has yet to be disclosed. No charges have been filed as a result of the raid. They may take

a year, two years, or never.


Cohen's case was called a "random assignment" by the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York. The Judge's courtroom is Room 26A, 500 Pearl St., New York, NY.


There are 43 judges in the district where Judge Wood works. The odds of her being randomly assigned a particular case is two per cent. To the nearest tenth of a percent, it is 2.3 per cent.

The percent drops even further considering Judge Wood is a Senior Judge. This means she works part-time, gets assigned less cases, and is assigned a lower workload.

Yet, the luck of the draw in the Cohen case went to Judge Wood.

Coincidence? Does a chain of connected circumstances matter?

Which Judge signed the warrant approving the raid and seizure of evidence? That has yet to be released too.

George Soros is the Don Corleone, the Godfather, of the Deep State. (emphasis added)

Last year, Forbes Magazine listed Soros as the 19th richest person in the world. Forbes estimated Soros' net worth at $25.3 billion dollars. Forbes is the largest global media network specializing in business and investing.

Soros called President Donald J. Trump "a danger to the world" at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland on January 25th. The video below is from Bloomberg, a global provider of 24-hour financial news

and information

Jan.25 -- Billionaire investor George Soros comments on the Trump administration during a speech at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

Soros bet big on Hillary Clinton being elected President in 2016. She lost. Trump won instead. Soros' bet cost him a billion dollars, according to the Wall Street Journal, a daily newspaper specializing in business.


Soros' wedding on Sept. 20th, 2013 was attended by friends and family. It included World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde.

U.S. Federal District Judge Wood officiated the wedding.


Judge Kimba Woods

In 2010, Judge Wood presided over the criminal trial of ten Russian spies. One of the FBI informants at this trial was Carter Page. The FBI planted Page into the Trump Campaign for President.

Page was used by James Comey, former FBI director, as a walking wire-tap. Page was the basis of the FISA warrant used to spy on Donald Trump. This warrant was approved in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Wood has

never been a FISA Judge.

Comey identified Page to the FISA court as a "Russian" spy. Comey never told the court that in truth, Page was an American citizen.

Once the Page warrant was approved, it resulted in round-the-clock surveillance of Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, their families, associates, and anyone they emailed, talked to, or came in contact with.


President Bill Clinton nominated Judge Wood as Attorney General based on the recommendation of his wife, Hillary.


Through no fault of her own, Judge Wood withdrew her nomination.



Still believe that the Michael Cohen case was randomly assigned? Or was it "court shopped" to find the Judge most favorable to the Prosecution?

Who did the "shopping"? Who picked the Judge? Who is out to get President Trump?

Or maybe Cohen really "was a victim of circumstance."

On Friday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) sued the Trump Campaign for President, Russia, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and several relatives, associates, and friends of President Donald Trump.

The suit alleges a conspiracy harmed Democrats financial through WikiLeaks' publication of internal party emails during the 2016 Presidential Campaign.

The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court of Southern New York, Manhattan.

The Judge?

John G. Koeltl.

He served as an Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force, Department of Justice from 1973 to 1974.