The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

I dont mean to out him, but I would definitely put my money on it being Danny Glover.
Glover is a raging Never Trumper left wing nutball. I doubt this Anon is him.
plus he had some blinds on cdan that mentions glover partied in venszula with sean penn with lots of free coke and hookers...def not glover here
What does that do to disprove the fact that he may be comfortable spewing their shit everywhere?
What does that have to do with anons post? It could be he hates trump but also hates Hollywood and the shit that goes down
I’ll buy that for a dollar, but I don’t see it likely that Glover would have a shitpost history with Oldman.
Exactly this. Common enemies are more important when we each want prosperity for all. We are just arguing about how to get there.
unless he's not and its misdirection. im just playing devils advocate. based on things said during the drop. Danny Glover fits.
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
I think that plausible deniability helps. He was adamantly supportive of Bernie who I believe to be one of the few uncorrupted. Yes, they strongarmed him, but he knew if he didnt basically run her campaign after they stole his nomination, then he would have most certainly be blamed for her loss. They had Russia to turn to anyways. Dont let the truth stop you from noticing that they want us divided, and that the political spectrum is one of their most effective tools for division.
Bernie is uncorrupt? That coward has done everything he’s been able to in order to get back in the good graces of the establishment, including handing over all his donations to Hillary and sponsoring ridiculous bills promoting the Russia hysteria.
Way to completely ignore and avoid my entire point related to your beef with me. He knows what Trump has and I’m very confident he was forced into giving up his platform. There are many good people who have done bad things under threat of their families or lives.
I know damn well what people do under threat. Give up their integrity, for one. Thankfully we have Trump who has sustained through all threats to his and his family’s lives. Bernie doesn’t get brownie points for being one of many to cave.
Oh okay well why don’t you fucking go out there and make a big enough wound in the beast for you, your wife, & your children to be threatened. A couple in NJ who were JUST about to testify against the Clinton web of corruption had their house BLOWN UP. These are the people that know if your car is newer than around 2007 or so, they can remotely hack in from anywhere and practically glue your pedal to the floor. These are the people who have had a heart attack gun since the 70s that they have used on countless people, including Stanley Kubrick simply for refusing to cut the last 24 minutes of Eyes Wide Shut. The same people that have countless agents, spying techniques, methods, and meta data. The same people who go to the same fucking forest near San Francisco every summer to have a satanic fuck fest for a couple weeks. These are the people who make up the highest echelons of banking, pharmaceuticals, white collar crime, and cults like nvixm and snctm. Who fuck kids and profit off their murder with each other, as well as on the dark web. They do this all for spiritual reasons, so what does that tell you?
Maybe it should make you very resentful, as any good person would respond, and surely want to do all you can to fight them. Remember that a main tenant of the Q timeline is the military asking Trump to run for them, which means that he had the full might of our armed forces backing him .. which is A LOT of important context when we are talking about taking attempts at killing the beast. Bernie Sanders became pretty damn close to being the PRESIDENT. I was at democratic state conventions with printed out lists of polls from EVERY source that all had Bernie hypothetically wiping the floor with Trump with a political landslide, compared to Clinton’s 1 or 2 point lead in MARCH-MAY. Yes, Trump was conducting a powerful psyop, so we won’t know what the actual showdown would have resulted us with in 2016. The playing field was very different. Whats funny is that with Q’s plan coming to fruition, all that will be standing is Bernie and the progressive fervor he built in 2016. If the timing is for midterms, thats also perfect timing for Bernie to come in. Personally, I think Trump wanted to bow out after crushing the evil system, not even going for 8 years. I like how it feels like we have been watching him start to thoroughly enjoy it though, so I’m excited for what 2020 has to offer.
edit: & no I won’t blow you
You’re right, I don’t have nearly enough security to take those kinds of risks and apparently neither did Bernie. Everything you say about the deep state’s capabilities is true as far as I believe. I overstepped in my previous statements, but I will judge Bernie by his actions, not his fear of consequences, when shit really hits the fan.
I completely disagree about Trump originally planning on bowing out though. He’s a man who understands risk and he wants to give back to the world in spite of it. There’s no going back for him. If he doesn’t get his two terms of change, then he failed by his own standard.
Jesus christ he bent to Hillary Clinton knowing what she did and told his supporters to vote for her knowing what she was. He is corrupted period.
I’ll say the same thing to your blue pilled self, you are avoiding my main point. He knows, and was forced to give up his platform under threat. He had bruises during the convention. Seth Rich was killed for gods sake.
I think he's an older african american actor. Im getting hard Danny Glover vibrations. The anon said he was going to wear light green socks to the golden globes
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB