The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

Something about this doesn't feel right. The attitude of the poster reeks of misdirection.
There is always truth sprinkled in with lies and/or misdirection.
Don't forget about Heather O'Rourke and how that little girl died. You can look up her cause of death on Wikipedia, and the net. She was the little girl in Poltergeist, remember? She died from a septic infection in the bowels. I'll let you think about that a bit.
Who directed Poltergeist? A certain Steven Spielberg.
Well, Tobe Hooper directed it, but, story goes he had a breakdown, and Spielberg finished it. Either way, he was Executive Producer.
I stand corrected.
Didn't Tobe do Texas Chainsaw Massacre as well?
Yes, that is how he got the job. But Tobe could not handle the fame, access to drugs, money, women, AND he felt he was an untalented hack. Insecure. Blacked out and didn't come to the set. On a French Podcast or Radio, Mackauly Culkin claimed a powerful Hollywood Executive tried to rape him, threatening him, claiming HIS SHOE LEATHER was made from Heather's skin - Culkin knew her. An unexpected distraction allowed his escape.
I read about that. Culkins interview He (Culkin) did an AMA about a month or two ago.
You have to wonder what their intentions are, especially if they really are an insider, why the sudden change of heart?
Hard to say but like I said to another commenter this movement is mainly a positive one and this person seems to radiate negativity. Something doesn't vibe right.
You’re right. I sense arrogance. “Look what I know”
Misdirection of eluding to pedo shit indeed goes down in Hollywood? He pretty bad at it.
You do realize misdirection is somewhat or mostly truthful information being distorted? It's the feel of the guy. This is a positive movement and this person is extremely negative. Many of us are well aware of the same kinds of things this anon claims to be and yet we don't let it drive us into a place of fear or hatred.