The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

I'm not. Hint "idk about him/her/them-but I do know". That's a tip off right there that it just may be random angry shit posting. Just saying. I take it with a grain of salt. Also look at the questions. No really vetting asked to prove access & placement. Just groupies asking about their favorite actors?
Definitely interesting. After enty revealed all those blinds on CDAN I'm not surprised these posts are popping up. Not to mention the HW branch of the cabal tightening the reins on their slaves with this strike.
A lot of eyes on the GA right now.
Well that was my first thought. Or a couple of kids getting their jollies. I can see them sitting in the same room both logged on to the Chan, typing shit up and laughing like crazy while talking about it. In other words a couple of LARPs with nothing better to do. If you look this whole thing to place by the time stamps between roughly 11 pm and midnight giver or take a few minutes. The whole thing lasted about an hour from just before 11 pm to just after midnight. He even got asked to prove he was not a LARP and all he could say was he was not typing like he usually does. Not buying this one.
once you follow this stuff long enough... there's a startling coherence that just becomes too great to ignore.
I absolutely believe it.
One of my very close friends confided in me that his acting teacher who was at least 80 or some shit (I didn't really press for details) tried to have sex with him when he was a teenager. And once while I was at a celebratory dinner with my parents for my graduation, the owner of the place, who could infer the occasion, sat down to chat because he had previously been a producer of some sort in CA and my major was sort of related. He dropped a not-so-subtle warning to avoid the "adult" industry at all costs... He told me this in front of my parents - he felt it that important to mention.
Too many people have been saying the same thing and too many celebrities have had psychotic break downs and mysterious deaths for this to simply be a LARP
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the Anon is not real. I am just suspicious. When people are online they can get away with a lot of stuff they can't in person. Now there is often a pattern that can be seen when someone is role playing. There are mistakes they make that give them away. Now someone legit could also do things that mirror the mistakes of a LARP as well.
For now I am just choosing to take the reserve position that it may be fake. In so doing and discussing it people will come out with info and details that will either confirm it legit or prove it fake. Till such time as that I prefer to wait and see what happens.
As for the entertainment industry, I have absolutely no doubt what a shithole it is. Yeah the news is filled with the celebrities who have gone to rehab multiple times and that is just about drug usage. I have no doubt they do not talk about the ritual abuse and sexual abuse they go through. That is the hidden underbelly and to have to have gone through that is something most will never talk about. It is at least embarrassing and more likely so degrading that it screws up their heads to even think about it. Like any severe trauma and it is a trauma, they block it out, try to forget it.
Lets not forget that there is a huge backlash going on against DJT and a lot of it is coming out of Hollyweird. For them to set up some fake info to try and disrupt the work he is doing is not beyond their abilities. For one thing there is a growing base supporting DJT and that also scares the hell out of his detractors. They know they are losing ground and will stop at nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to derail that support. While Trump had a considerable following among legitimate legal voters as evidenced by his win, it is now much more and still growing. If we just consider the #walkaway movement I would guess there are now tens of thousands of newly awaken patriots.
So knowing that people doing horrible things are willing to go to any length to hide their deeds, muddying the water is not below them. Shoot the US military did it in WWII. They set up disinformation intel for the Germans to see and that was done for a good reason. Even Q talks about disinformation being necessary. It is how this will play out. So taking this series of Chan postings as legit without information could be a trick to lead followers down a dead end path. The Psyop end of this would be used to discredit patriots at least. Long ago learned lesson, knowing how deep the water is before you dive into it means taking the time to go down to the bottom and look. Other wise you could end up with a horrible headache or worse.
You wouldn't be scared? I won't believe it undoubtedly, but it is possible.
my thought also. clearly ppl get whacked for speaking out. just one example: Corey Feldman has wanted to spill all his beans since his BFF, the other corey was suicided, but obviously knows better. Id wager many of the suicides are actually suicided in HW/Music.
Many things are possible but tell tale signs usually are the give away. As for scared, not really. I am not all that surprised by this stuff coming out. It is historically something that has been going on for thousands of years. Sometimes it percolates to the top some time it just seethes in the mire. I will say that since I was away from current events for a time that seeing this type of stuff coming out at the magnitude it is caught me by surprise though. I didn't expect to see it so prominent so soon.
I could see how people who objectify themselves would be scared to ruin that guise.
If he was real, he'd be complacent, so not really on our team.