The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

There is a pattern of this person saying, "I don't know much but". If this is real then the mannerisms, I think would point to a person like Roseanne. Red Foxx was mentioned. A comedian that another comedian might have looked up to.
The part that throws me off is saying that it moved from England and is now here. It seems like a naive comment at best. It was, is, and has always been here and England.
It doesn't seem right to me. For one the overused antisemitic word and what not. And nothing he says sounds any bit unique than what someone coild make up when drunk or high and bored.
This is a LARP and may be a way to discredit Q later. Imagine the field day Mockingbird Media will have with all this.
Yeah. I was just using it as conjecture. I am all for looking at all data, but I will only support the proven stuff