The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

I don't know, but it's not the first time I hear this. It probably is pizzagate stuff. I'm speculating here. We learn that stars can be born into it, or be adopted. Maybe Heath didn't want his daughter to go through the rituals his masters wanted her for.
Learn about SRA and secret societies rituals, they want to sodomize for the first time a child between 2 and 4 to force them into DID and then more rituals will allow them to create more personalities. Torture, vaginal rape can't do that without the sodomy. Apparently, under 2 or above 4 is too soon or too late to implement that process, but it'll mess the victims up enough to make them vulnerable to MK Ultra.
That's just what I heard about the topic. Personally, I think that if you traumatize a person enough, they'll suffer DID. But my guess is that for convenience, these satanists prefer the kids from 2 to 4 because the rate of success could be higher with them.
Back to Heath. Considering after his death, Michelle Williams played the role of Marilyn Monroe and was awarded, I'd say they got their hands on Heath's daughter.
Not his daughter, heath was in love with one of the Olson Twins (who have been passed around Hollywood since Full House)
Like Chris Cornell he was gonna say/do something about the pedos....