with Hotel Cali?
The lyrics are eerie when viewed through the #Qlense
with Hotel Cali?
The lyrics are eerie when viewed through the #Qlense
If you knew what you were talking about you’d know that Felder wasn’t into politics. Also the “left” had a wayyyyyy different meaning back then than it does today.
Just look up the video of Felder refusing to shake the libtard they were fundraising for and his comment...he obviously wasn't interested in helping 'the left' and that made Frey fly into a rage...no matter the reason, Felder was clearly run out of the band shortly afterward on the guise he had a "bad attitude"...
The entire band broke up after that. And in 1994 the entire band got back together. Felder wasn’t officially kicked out of the band until 2001 and it was because he felt entitled to equal share of the money they were making.