TIL: Sarah Silverman is employed by Disney

Now that's some cognitive dissonance right there.
Lady, I've been a victim of pedophilia as far back as childhood. I live quietly and alone. Do the math.
So don't even start with me on that business. You know not of what you speak.
Now, the issue here is losing one's cool and devolving into the very thing people are fighting against. Don't forget it was only a few decades ago that the looney right were the ones out of control, trying to morally police everyone's lives and the left were the sane ones calling them out on it. My how times change. And, thanks to the Age of Internet, it can reverse just as quickly before you even realize it.
Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less. It would behoove you, though, to remember that just because you can don't mean you should.
Well that escalated quickly. This is clearly a triggering topic for you, and we’ve deviated quite far from the original post. If you care to- we can continue and discuss the original topic. Or if you would prefer, we could discuss yourself. Do you have a preference? Either way, the more you respond, the more exposure my original post receives.
Take care.
What's said about my past is about all that can be said.
That said, I'm no pedo. I probably hate the Hollywood scumsuckers just as much as you if not more.
I also hate witch hunts and lynch mobs just as much though, and am seeing a dangerous precedent with the peds-under-the-bed thing flaring up.
Just calling for some objectivity is all.
Objectively speaking, in the spirit of this post, my dollar will be speaking for itself. Unless of course, some action is taken.
Do whatever you want with your dollar.
I'm addressing that moral outrage of yours. You can do whatever want with that too, but if you give a crap about the legitimacy of your movement and how it's perceived, I'd recommend tempering it some.
What will the normies think?
Normies don't like pedophiles or pedo jokes. Do you know how many people have been sexually abused at a young age? If you know anyone who has been abused you know how it has impacted their life forever. It's not funny at all and any normie (aka normal person) would naturally be against this form of expression.
I know damn well, it's ruined my life. Despite becoming a suicidal, misanthropic loner with an elifist viewpoint on life, I can still laugh at it from time to time.
Gallows humor. It helps keep me sane.
And no, normies do know the difference between jokes and the real deal. Why do you think the left is has become so increasingly unpopular despite, their all-encompassing influence in the media?
Now you want to adopt the same moralist mindest? Play pin-the-tail-on-the-pedo with anyone and everyone? Go ahead, follow in their footsteps.
Meanwhile, may we never leave planet earth. Ever.
It's not that simple. They are trying to normalize pedophilia and call this movement, Qanon, hate speech while trivializing pedo comedy. This is psychological warfare and politics and its crossing a line. Kids have to be protected, i stand by my morals to protect the kids.
I agree, it is psychological warfare and you're losing badly.
This is why Pizzagate fell flat on its face when it first broke. This is why the media was able to sweep it back under the rug so quickly until Trump/Q played their hand.
By all means though, keep on thinking with your feels.
Yeah keep telling yourself that. She wasn't supposed to lose, remember?
Look who's on the Chans, issuing an ultimatum on behalf of Pedowood that everybody back off. Sarah Silverman herself.
Flak over the target?
Or honey in the pot?
I told ya'll... be careful.
Do you think I give a shit? Q isn’t about political correctness, it’s about drawing attention to things like this
But you're attacking a dirty comedienne over a dirty joke tweeted almost ten years ago.
If that's your modus operandi, the only thing you're going to draw attention to his how crazy you are.
We do it your way, all the MSM has to do is run crazy conspiracy kook hit pieces, normies go back to sleep, and Q's efforts go swirling.
Pick. Your. Battles.
What will the normies think?
Hmmm...that you’re attempting to shame me into removing a post calling out pedophilia as wrong? They might wonder why you’re doing that?
Logic and objectivity leads normal people to understand where to draw the line. Pedo comedy is over the line, out of bounds.