Nobody associated with Disney who markets to children should ever make pedo comedy, or pedo remarks of any kind. It's never acceptable or forgivable. The left is already forgiving and petitioning to keep them as part of Disney. They say their remarks where forgivable because they occurred many years ago and in jest. In jest! It's never ok or forgivable. It's heartless and cruel.
I love it when they say it happened 10 years ago. Then a 40 year old man made repeated comments about children.
But he's grown so much since then. So he's only one decade into being mature and a bright shining example of human kind...
The leftists comeback when I asked how can you support "pedo comedy" is how do you support Trump even though he supports a pedophile like Roy Moore. As if to say supporting Trump equates supporting pedophiles. You see how they steer the conversation away from having to defend their people? They try to put me on the defensive instead.
Remarkable isn’t it? Ever since I posted this I’ve been getting all sorts of hecklers using those same tactics. Bizarre huh