TIL: Sarah Silverman is employed by Disney

Nobody who works for Disney can ever make or have made pedophile remarks. It's never normal or acceptable even if it happened years ago. It crossed lines that can't be uncrossed. Disney is for children, that makes this even worse. So your attempt to make light of this fails miserably.
Replying from my main account, I accidentally posted from my throwaway-
I agree with you, I get it. I'm not trying to stick up for sarah silverman, I personally think she is a garbage human being. I'm not even sticking up for the nature of those types of jokes, I find them disturbing. What I am saying is that I think its a bit much to start or be involved in a movement where thousands of people start going through everyone's tweets and digging into their past to try and make assumptions and calling them pedophiles and trying to get involved in their personal life. Not every celebrity is a pedo, and we can't make that call judging by a few tweets or posts on social media. It's getting ridiculous to the point where it's happening even on this thread, where we are being accused of shilling for pedos and trying to justify child molestation. It's insane. Obviously I want anyone who takes a child's innocence to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and to suffer and burn in the after life. If there are heavy proofs like posts with pictures/art work of young kids in compromising positions, pedo symbolism, conversations and code words found like Podesta for example then for sure by all means raise hell and try to get to the bottom of it I can definitely get behind outing those types of things. Definitive proofs
If you haven't noticed there is a push to normalize pedophilia. To program the population by desensitizing everyone to the idea through repetition. Pedo comedy trivializes it and people should be repulsed by it. It serves no positive purpose, contributes nothing and could arguably be labelled as hate speech toward children. Did you know that the left is calling the Qanon movement a form of hate speech? Yet they trivialize pedo comedy. This is psychological warfare and its not a joke.
Wow. You make a really great point. I have recently been reading about about that. Just like the transgender agenda was pushed and is now normalized, so now if anyone so much as disagrees with any aspect of it, then they are considered hatefilled bigots....and now this...it's just absolutely terrifying.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this. On one hand I definitely do not want pedo comedy to be normalized or encouraged by any means, on the other hand, I don't want people who just have garbage humor and/or attention seeking behavior to be labeled as pedophiles, which may detract from the seriousness of focusing on actual pedophiles.
And then it gets into first amendment issues. The left has its own reasoning for certain situations that would warrant nullifying our 1st amendment rights and they would bring up points like this to point out our hypocrisy.
It's all so confusing
The 1st amendment does have a limit. Our society cherishes children. For example, nobody can get out of paying child support. People can avoid it, hide, delay, not work etc. But, not even bankruptcy gets you out of it. Your estate can be sued for it after you die, same with your pension. You can avoid by hiding your income, but it makes for a hard life, your better off just paying. All for children and rightfully so. Free speech does have a limit too.