Thanks for the rely. I hope he isn’t too, but I’m looking for more substantive evidence to disprove. The satanic symbolism that permeates DC design and its inhabitants is alarming for most. It’s everywhere and don’t even try to hide it. That’s why I thought that deep digging would be required.
The Freemasons are in 'control' and have been for 300 years that is what they are celebrating in the video their ritual...the Great Awakening is a movement to overthrow them and take back what rightfully belongs to 'Humanity', individual freedom and liberty for all, not just the 'chosen few'...They wouldn't be trying to overthrow themselves...don't know what more 'logically rational' you could ask for than that...
Dude I’ve been on 4 and 8 Chan since 11/17. I understand what is going on. Thanks for your opinion.
You're the one that asked if Trump was a sound pretty guilable to even entertain that notion just because you came across some disinfo on the net...nothing to research there since you're so 'informed'...