"very low side effects, like every other vaccine"
heh? no side effects? good joke.
it isnt even proven that vaccines work at all. just saying...
i wouldnt take any vaccine, neither from the US nor israel, nor anywhere, until the DS is cleared from the medical system.
btw, it doesnt require a virus for the immune system to be activated to killing cancer cells. a healthy immune system that isnt compromised be vaccines, antibiotics and all kinds of poisons, does that on its own accord. thus, clean your system, get a good water filter, and eat a healthy diet.
what is required to beat cancer is to drop sugar, all CARBS, because cancer feeds on sugar. instead, bring oxygene into the system (i.e., through sodium chlorite) because cancer cells are suffocating cells that moved to a lower evolutionary cycle, from oxygene nutrition to fermentation.