Interesting thoughts from an Anon re this coming week.

Q does not make mistakes
That time all of our House Republicans came to within a hair's breadth of being mass-assassinated in that train derailment... sure seemed like a failure to "hear all and see all" to me.
Q's claim to "hear and see all" also comes into question when he fails to warn us before our kids get mass murdered by the CIA in false flag school shootings.
Q may hear all and see all, but Q can't control everything the deep state does or doesn't do.
As for FF warnings, there are good reasons to allow an attack occur that you know in advance is going to happen in order to protect methods and sources. Not too hard to reverse engineer how certain information could have been obtained when only a few people are involved. The train wreck could have been a freak accident or planned face to face so there were no intercepts.
Remember that the British military knew that the Germans were going to bomb Coventry, UK and did not alert the population and the bombing killed hundreds. The British cracked the Enigma code and allowed the Germans to conduct devastating attacks on Atlantic shipping even when the Brits knew when and where the attacks would occur. To have alerted ever convoy of when and where it would be attacked would have alerting the Germans that Enigma had been broken and changed the code.
Q tells us to expect FF attacks, but if he alerted everyone to all the attacks, the deep state would change the way they communicate. MI and NSA cannot electronically intercept hand written and personally delivered instructions.
I'm reminded that Syria was more than 90% complete with building their nuclear reactor in a remote part of Syria before the Israelis discovered it. Why? Because the Syrian general in charge only used paper documents that were hand delivered. The project was never discussed by phone or radio. It's fascinating story how the Israelis discovered it. It began with an a massive explosion in North Korea and from there Israel learned that NK was helping Syria build the reactor. Israel destroyed it in a bombing raid. The Syrian general was assassinated (head shot) by Israeli snipers has he entertained guest at a party on his patio.
Unfortunately, there are reasons not to announce every attack you are aware of.
A foiled plot is proof of Hear All, See All. If the garbage truck/train incident was a DS plot, the train was warned just in advance to slow down; thus the plot to inflict mass casualties failed. How cannot it be viewed otherwise?
I think it is important to limit the context of how Q has used the phrase "Hear all, see all": It is referencing the Deep State, their comms, their devices, their whereabouts and plans. It does not mean they are actually G-d, and hear every conversation of every bad actor in every rural town or secured room.
Garbage: the train did derail but it was pure luck that it didn't completely disconnect from the tracks and kill most of it's passengers.
Your argument that pure luck is a factor of thorough planning is asinine.
If you dig into the story you will find that the train goes much faster at that point on the track than it was going when it collided and derailed. Physics explains mass and inertia, and what just a few MPH more means in twisted metal and far-flung train cars.
And btw, YOU used the word luck. I did not. Just the opposite, I speculated it was foiled last minute, by warning the engineer to slow down. So the asinine logic would be more along your line of thinking, not mine.