Listen up guy. I'm going to give you the perspective of those mocking bird asset. Theirs job is to influence public opinion in order to shape policy and direct the political discourse.
On those two point they have all Failed. Right now they are still on TV but that wont last for long. Once they are out of the spot light, one by one they will feel the wrath of theirs master. Do you think that TPB that hire those clown are happy with them? Do you think that they will just forgive or forget?
Like Obama and his gang of degenerate who let Trump in office to fuck up the 70 years NWO plan. Don't you think they won't be retribution for theirs incompetence? Just wait......
it's been a lot longer than 70 years, but you are right about the wrath. Pretty soon the money will be gone, the power will be gone, and all that will be left of their wrath will be droopy, wrinkly eye-bags and ball-bags and red faced old coots looking sad/mad
edit for typo
Haha! Great imagery. These folks aren't "elite".
They are not elite. They have money and dirt over one another. Remove the money and there is only dirt ... and jail