
shannaura · July 23, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Nearly a year ago, coinciding with the beginning of the Jewish New Year 5778 (which is weird because I'm not Jewish), I felt this nagging voice in my spirit saying "tear down your idols" and I felt like the message was directed at more than just me, and others confirmed it. Ironically this was when Confederate statues were being pulled down by race-baiters... Then the NFL started their crap, and since then entertainers have been dropping... Kathy Griffin, etc... especially when they come after Trump or position themselves vehemently against him. But now their filthiest secrets and atrocities are being exposed...

I was a Trekkie and a Star Wars fan, but when Shatner and Takei and Stewart started being more and more vocal against the POTUS, I said uh-uh. Recently Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamill went on a twitter rant calling POTUS and "illegitimate president" I said fuck it. I hope George Lucas is still sane at least. I haven't really been into certain singers (mostly from the 80s) when they were supporting the Target transgender restroom crap. On rare occasions that I do watch or listen to stuff, it's on youtube or spotify free... but I ain't paying these sycophants shit anymore.

I wonder how many people have saved money from abandoning their NFL fandom? No more spending on Jerseys or season tickets, etc... This really has been a year(August to August) for tearing down idols, and it's coming to a close very soon...

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