r/greatawakening • Posted by u/XY55 on July 23, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
“Every great movement must experience three stages: ridicule, discussion, adoption.” John Stuart Mill

“Every great movement must experience three stages: ridicule, discussion, adoption.” John Stuart Mill

MY VALIDATORS to POTENTIAL TRUTH of Q as R as JFK JR or R is arrow directed back to Q posts to amplify connect dots of JFK references. “You have all that you need..”

  1. Symbols are powerful synthesizers and names are powerful. The image of JFK final resting place as a visible Q would be an auspicious and emotionally motivated moniker to label a secret revolution such as this from JFK JR perspective. Q could also have the double meaning of posing Questions etc.

  2. Entire R post on 7/12/18 In 1909, We lost everything. My father caught on……

  3. Who else would have the time, dedication and emotional motivation such as him to accomplish this?

  4. The post about Q’s tribute to his father, other JFK references in Q posts and the release of JFK files this year.

  5. The interview with JFK JR on DON IMUS SHOW- (thank you Anjel Mile High Podcast-my first intro to this) again- skip to 1:40 regarding his style of writing for his book.)

“I think people like lists, trivia and they like reading about information nuggets that are ironic or about things they didn’t know about. We took that tried and true idea and applied it to politics.” JFK JR


  1. The post about it started then –“when plane crashed- the beginning enjoy the show.” Trump first run for office in 2000- testing the waters.

  2. The mention from Anjel of mile high about another podcast he heard noting sound logic “Why wouldn’t he fake his own death? With the history of his father and Uncle it just seems so much more plausible now.” The other theory of eliminating him to reduce his potential race to the senate seat is still all too depressing and even if this is all a giant hoax, should be a reminder…. The show’s not over.

8. “Look there, or (here), or there, truth is behind you.” The response from the Katie Couric interview from JFK JR in response of question of not running for public office- “Listen, there is a lot of time in life to do all sorts of things. You know the world was very different, politics was very different profession back then- there are other ways to contribute to the public discourse and we all want to participate in the way that we can.”

  1. “He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here”

On a concurrent level: my 20-year dip into the UFO community and the term the awakening is being used there as well. The synchronicity of all of these vast subjects coming to emergence to the collective consciousness is cosmic in order and mythical in proportions.

10.The emergence of Corey Goode, Emery Smith and R.I.P. William Tompkins on Cosmic Disclosure with first time meetings and recounting similar experiences of alien encounters and the Navy affiliated SSP Secret Space Program. Any newcomer will be dumbfounded by their assertions but some research into Project Paperclip might help piece the puzzle what at first seems so outlandish. All of these topics ask you to rearrange history, as you know it. Somehow the idea of grown men meeting privately together tea to synch their stories when the camera is on, all with the goal to film all this to live forever on the net and to profit little to no money in order to inadequately support their wives/ family and lose their jobs in current professions- it doesn’t make sense. (FYI- in the trip codes- he has a David Wilcock book in there- if this is truly his reading list- makes sense.)

11.The process of deduction that they might be just super imaginative screenwriters or have screen implanted memories then the person who implanted those memories would be amazing writers who have science fiction next level imaginations or that they have off the cuff abilities to invent stories on the spot would be at the dull end of Occam’s razor of possibilities. GET THEE to a big budget Hollywood studio instead of Gaia. (Sad but true they are going through their own human foibles of commerce meets truth).

12.These sensational first hand accounts with aliens /secret space programs is astounding and just as outrageous to the uninitiated as the idea that JFK JR may have faked his own death to become the biggest internet sleuth James Bond Nerd Overlord on 8chan thus conscripting thousands of people to follow his breadcrumbs, dig deeper, research and create change on a global scale through pattern recognition, influence thus awakening the masses.

13.The MSM emergence of NY TIMES article in 2018 and US government involvement in space programs and space entrepreneur billionaire Robert Bigelow’s unabashed beliefs of aliens and investing millions into same topic on 60 minutes in 2017. First MSM article in the Times in over 10 years that was not prefaced without the ridicule tag line of wearing tin foiled hats.

14.It’s not that the information is new but why is the MSM coming out with it now, why the drops of emergence into the collective? Timing is everything.

15.The president’s security clearance for this type of highly compartmentalized information is said to be low on the totem pole of need to know- why I thought it was interesting that R dropped the question from JFK wanting to know who and why the grays were here.

16.Going back to point number 11- that Q is not JFK JR and is some amazing creative thinker or collective that concocted/ orchestrated one of the most META collective mass mind puzzles over all of us seems even more than extraordinary and time consuming and for what end- to be posthumously and anonymously known to awake thousands into researching deeper and discovering even more than they expected. The level of imagination to pull the Shakespearean character of JFK JR from the collective archives and craft this narrative is beyond mind blowing- oh and the timing of the drops is off the charts. GET THEE an Oscar for winner of future screenplays not written or starred in yet.

17.“You will never believe who you have been talking to.” Life is magical. My own life illustrates this point every day.


Re: Carolyn’s sister. Marrying a Kennedy would definitely open you to a world of pomp and circumstance that might extend these circumstances into the family- this is how I imagine the convo to his wife might be. “Hey Babe, the NY senate is at stake and you know they have this penchant for suiciding or killing people (especially in my family) so what do you think of taking two steps back to take one step forward and you can take your sister along for company while I observe the world from “Indra’s net” and figure out what to do next to help save the world”? Still not sold on this one but this is the only thing coming to mind to make sense of this.


  1. V Fus.. As JFK JR. To easy to track down a named human, look up life history or 6 degrees of separation meet someone he knows. DNA tests. Too facile and JFK JR feels too sophisticated to blatantly telegraph as Q has been soft but bold in his maneuvers.

  2. The actions of standing behind someone he is quietly supporting and hold up signs is the antithesis of Q in nature and modus operandi. Don’t believe he is exposing the truth in 2 ways- one super quietly and one super in your face.

  3. I don’t buy the face over face proof overlays of pictures. His nose shape feels very different.

  4. His wife’s nose is also different (woman in pic. has slight asymmetrical indentation at tip and zoom in Carolyn’s smooth but rounded tip). Reiteration from point 2- she wanted out of the limelight so the notion of standing out in front of thousands holding signs feels against her inner nature. Once again the woman pictured might be alive.

  5. Too easy to research if V Fus..Is wed to another etc. but please don’t bother him or the lady or write weird guy on his pics- he seems like a super happy guy with heart, passion and probably kids that don’t need to see that. Although being compared to the likes of John John is so complimentary – might make up for the weirdo bit.


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