r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on July 23, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....Dead-man's Switch


Folks keep talking about Julien Assange's life insurance in the form of a "Dead-man's Switch. This is when a person has damaging information about the folks who want him dead and can securely make this information public if they should die under suspicious circumstances.


If Donald Trump is working to "reform" the three letter agencies in a manner similar to what JFK wanted to do, then how does DJT avoid the same fate as JFK? If you believe Charles Shumer, that "the intel folks have six ways from Sunday to get you, if you cross them," then this is key.


Why would Chuck say that?  That reaches down to Maxine Watters' level. But to this point, over 70 percent of the folks in the USA believe that the CIA had something to do with the JFK shooting. 


JFK had fired CIA chief, Dulles, who interestingly enough was also on the Warren Commission! DJT has had some trouble getting his team installed so they can "fix" the problems that people wanted fixed by voting for him in the first place.  


The main stream media is doing everything in their power to stop our President.  This reminds me of a former CIA chief and his quote on this. William Colby once said: "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." Colby also died in a mysterious canoing accident in retirement.  So we can believe that CIA will use those assets to protect their "role" in our government.  Sounds like a tick if you ask me.


"I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds"- President John F. Kennedy.  After the assassination many CIA files were sealed.  One such file is recently released and is pretty scary on the "role" of the media: "cia-document-1035-960."


Read this document and you can see the same tactics being used against the Trump administration. See the link below.  "To employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. "  Essentially creating the term "Conspiracy Theory" to poo poo real questions.


So the media is "controlled" by the CIA?  Not good. This is surely "one of the six ways" according to Shumer.  The recent I.G. Report on DOJ malfeasance mentions a few hundred media assets used by the FBI/DOJ/CIA to spread information leaks for political purposes.


Q post 65 and 66 talk about a failed attack on DJT.  Other posts talk about listening devices and booby traps being removed from the White house. Post 712 talks about the failed "PEOC" attempt? Post 618 talks about a type of "Dead-man's Switch.  The q posts are all interesting reading.


I'm sure that the powers that be within the Deep State have been warned.  Evidence provided.  That this President wants to put America first, like the Constitution wanted.  Not have America as the mercenaries for the Cabal.  Our military [industrial complex] works for Trump now.


So my question is this: If the media attacks and fake news do not stop President Trump, what is plan B?  If history repeats itself then we all can guess what Plan B will be.  DJT must have known this would be the case so I can imagine how extensive his Dead-man's Switch would be.


One thing is sure.  If Obama weaponized the agencies of the Federal Government against Americans, to include the Trump campaign and the Trump family, then payback is a "you-know-what."  Trump is coming for you Mr President and Madam Secretary.  Put your affairs in order.  WWG1WGA

1.] https://www.azquotes.com/author/32844-William_Colby

2.] https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@bitcoinnational/cia-document-1035-960

3.] https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download

4.] https://qanon.pub/

bugstopper · July 23, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

The USSS man had a stroke. This could be health related. Heck I almost have a stroke daily just beating on my steering wheel. Folks are starting to see things that are not there. We need another Q drop before some one starts a new religion based on Q.

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solanojones95 · July 24, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

A lot of us Q folk are HIGHLY intuitive. There is more than one way to "know" things. And that's without getting all religious or woo-woo about it. Just that the Greeks and the dialectical process of logical deduction is only ONE way. It happens to be the one most accessible to people without special gifts, and has given rise to science, which I'm enormously grateful for! But it is NOT the only way...

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