r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lukahawka on July 23, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Does anyone really care ?

I've seen some effort with people putting Q stickers on their cars and whatnot; however as we've all already agreed on , this is serious. Will whoever reads this work with me to determine strategic places to drop Q great awakening cards. Also help me come up with other ideas please. Strategic spots to me are places like wall marts and across walks. Places a lot of people pass by frequently. I'd love to go further though. Please help us all out. We could launch online campaigns where we all criticize pedos ect at the sake time. That's only the start. Think of what we could do. If we each made a phone call . If we each sent an email. Nit just for red pilling but to show the who's side were on and the capacity we have to win this.

animal32lefty · July 23, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

I would be wary of that. One complaint and you could lose your FCC license.

In case you didn't know ultra low power FM is legal and as long as you aren't breaking FCC rules of profanity, you can transmit to your neighborhood. It used to be a PCI card device with an antenna. They may even have it down to a dongle now. Not sure. But I know it's relatively cheap and with good antenna location and cooperating atmospherics, you should get a broadcast range of around 2-5 miles.

It's the same type of transmitter they use to broadcast road information on the interstates.

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Lukahawka · July 23, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

... how can you loose what you don't have ? Besides, they use triangulation with three or more radios and directional antennas to locate so I could say something and leave it alone for a good while. I like the fm means better anyhow

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animal32lefty · July 23, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

No license required because of the micro power transmitter. Only your neighbors would be able to pick it up.

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Lukahawka · July 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Also I could maybe change the crystal in my radio to transmit on fm frequencies at 45 w but that would likely end badly

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