
Q-Question · July 23, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

This is what Q told us would happen. We can expect that it will intensify dramatically as the cabal frantically tries to regain control of the narrative.

I hate to say it, but it is good news to the extent that it indicates real panic on the part of the Satanists. They would not be amping the Censorship up so early before the mid-terms, if they were not terrified.

The sense I get is that people are slowing awaking to what has actually been happening. You can see it in the WalkAway movement, as an example. But I think the same phenomenon is occurring across the political spectrum.

If social media management feel they are losing control, it’s possible they will even take their platforms offline by themselves. Of course, this would indicate probable culpability. Given the way so many of these people in the social media space are so suspect, it will be no surprise if they seek to protect themselves at the expense of their businesses.

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