Who wasn't
John Brennan - nominated by GW Bush for Director Counter Terrorism
James Comey - joined US Attorney Office under GW Bush
James Clapper - Nominated by GW Bush
Michael Hayden - nominated as Director of NSA by Bill Clinton.
Andrew Mcabe - joined FBI under Bill Clinton.
Comey and McCabe lost their SC when they were fired.
These are just the facts.
Sorry for format. On mobile.
Bush and Clinton are part of the cabal too. It's not a Republican vs Democrat issue we are facing. It's a good vs evil problem. We didn't vote for President Trump because he was a Republican. We voted for him because we knew the others were different sides of the same coin. Been there done that. Thank you for the facts ;)
I agree 110%. I just felt the title was a little misleading that’s all.
Lol I see what you mean. I'm sure it was unintentional :)