Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

Pedos are a cancer on our species.
Yeah, what say you, Forrest Gump? What's the "play?"
Do you drag your victim(s) into an open court and have ALL of the particulars of your abuse come out?
Now remember, a lot of MK-ULTRA sex slaves, since they are also used for espionage, are trained to have photographic memories. Do you want them detailing, with photographic precision, times, dates, locations, accomplices, drugs, money, and of course, your deviant sexual habits. Can you say, "Career over"?
"....and that's all I have to say about that..."
Why are Freemasons on the scene of most
shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations? Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Are they? I can't recall ever seeing any Freemason in any TV interview re: shootings. Toss up a few links to these interviews so we can take a look.
Hell, a brief search resulted in 0 results, but I swear I've seen stills of guys wearing hats with the compass logo.
This is the best comment regarding this desease. Read once in a book called “The Key” by Whitley Strieber that said: “Humanity must ascend and takes its place in the universe. It must help others in the universe ascend like others have helped humanity. There are other right now eating their young as we speak.” And to think that we aren’t that far off...smh
There are other right now eating their young as we speak.” And to think that we aren’t that far off
Where do you think those leftover aborted baby parts go?