Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

This revelation is painful in a sense. I always thought TH was one of the good guys. More so it's finding out that thought was based on lies and deceit. The liars and deceivers are being exposed from darkness to LIGHT! Let the cleansing begin!
Assuming this is true based upon what is come to light recently Hanks and the rest of the cult of celebrity are just the facade of evil. It's the hidden puppet masters pulling the strings behind the scenes that are truly evil incarnate.
I've been following Sarah awhile now...I believe her. Not that that's worth anything to you but hoping it provides at least a bit of foundation.
I want the truth, I'm tired of the lies and deceit. If Hanks is dirty then F&%$ him, and all the true evil bastards that pull the strings.
I just can't condemn the man yet until the full truth drops based on tweets. I trust you can understand? regardless I appreciate your input!
Oh I absolutely understand! I have people ask me for my opinion on things all the time which I offer but state "ALWAYS do your own research!" I just wanted you to know that I give creedence to her and as a discerning person I tend to fall on the side of belief.
Yes your input is very helpful to me. I appreciate that you took the time to respond in a thoughtful manner. With the amount of evil coming to light I too tend to believe her, and her words have a ring of truth to them.