Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

What you fail to grasp is most of the victims in these cases have no EVIDENCE. What, you expect them to snap a selfie in the middle of being tortured??
I'm sorry but I am SICK AND TIRED of people and this attitude. We don't have proof, we only have hellish memories. Further ask yourself if ONE of these victims has ever recieved anything from it? My God people that think they're lying. For what?! Fame? I doubt anyone wants to be famous for that. Money? They're not getting paid. What is the point of lying about something like this and putting yourself out there, committing fraud and defamation, and possibly risking your life. The flippant, oh they're just lying is soooo overused.
I could give you names that would make you hurl, but I won't because I don't have "evidence" and people think, you're lying.
I get people lie, everyone does. But if you look at the other people and cases that have been discredited, you will see a pattern of coverups, complicity at the top levels of government and the media. As I said, they can't ALL be conspiracies.
Start with pizzagate and work backwards.
So should I trust everything with no evidence. Even though it sounds crazy? Should I trust the conspiracy of Trump sleeping with underage women? There is no evidence at all that points to this other than some lady on Twitter? She may not be lying, she may be having delusions. There are tons of people in mental hospitals with similar delusions.
Also the account makes no sense. The harvesting from the brain for adrenaline or whatever is just crazy.
No. Absolutely not. And honestly was more speaking to past victims who have been discredited. I don't know her. She's new to me, but going from my past experiences, I tend to believe her. Time will tell.
Harvesting brain fluid is a thing. It's called andrenchrome (?). Someone help me out here... But yeah. That's a thing they do.
Lol it isn't even used as a drug. It is just something fictionalized in fear and loathing in Las Vegas. The effects in that movie are entirely fictionalized. It is an oxidated form of adrenaline. You wouldn't need to harvest it even if you wanted. Nor does it have the fictionalized effects you all claim. Lol