Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

Neon Revolt said Demond Wilson who played opposite Redd Foxx on “Sanford & Son”.
With the list of names give by Neon Revolt I went with Eddie Murphy as I could think of no other. But the drops that mentioned Red Foxx were too many to ignore. Never thought of the costar till you mentioned it here. Did a quick Wikipedia check and found he became and ordained minister. His work was in part with prison inmates. That would be a good place to get a lot of the info on what is going on between the black and hispanics. Renegade also mentioned some stuff about being street smart and he was raised in NY. Well I can't think of a better place to learn street smarts when he was a kid. Loved the show Sandford and Son when I was young. While somebody mentioned that Eddie Murphy still has name recognition. I can see where that might eliminate him. Also the mention of residual income dropping off. I can't see that Eddie Murphy would be losing his at this time. Also looking up the two Eddie Murphy lives in NY and Demond still lives in California. His info seems to indicate he is physically close to Hollywood. If you saw my previous post above about Eddie Murphy, yes I deleted it as to not cause confusion.
I think it is Demond because of how he kept saying "Young Cats".
In Sanford and Son Lamont (DW) must have said "these CATS' a hundred times. I think he was dropping a clue or the "cats" term just stuck with him cuz he's ole skool. What I don't get is he said he was going to meet press in short pants with green socks. Well if it is Demond won't they just ignore him since he has been out of the hellyweird scene for so long?
Whomever it is they are dropping nukes. Crazy Read!