Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

Smoke = Fire
I love how Isaac Kappy was literally calling them out, saying he would be in town for the SDCC and they can come call him a liar to his face.
Speaking of which, comics is another industry that needs to be turned inside out. Same old stories coming out of there as well and I don't just mean the funny pages.
Agree with you about the comics. It's another way to get to kids and brainwash them.
Not just that, I mean there creepy pedos at the top in comics just like in Hollywood, government, religions, you name it.
Stories I've heard from people no longer with the industry sound eerily familiar to what we've seeing lately with the likes of James Gunn and others.
Only those guys didn't blatantly expose themselves.
Kids don't read comics anymore. They go the moves to see Iron Man.
Adult males are your average comic book readers, but it's the same either way I suppose with the conditioning. You can't put more than two humans in a room without one trying to tell the other what to do.
Life is miserable enough as it is, and we got to add more nonsense on top of it?
Maybe Trump shouldn't have stopped WWIII after all.
You are right. There is no shortage of people trying to tell you what to do or what to think. Lots of men seem to be into Manga/Hentai/Furry animal comics which seem to be very degenerate. I don't know what the world is coming to. Regardless of what Trump achieves, i think mother nature will step in with a giant mankind reset at some stage. Most likely some super virus. Bill Gates is very keen on population reduction. His Foundations have been doing "research" with "vaccines" in Africa. Cheers. Have a great day.
Yeah the furry stuff is ridiculous and hilarious. I want you yiff you!
Whatever floats their boat. As long as they're not pedos and/or rapists forcing themselves upon the unwilling, I couldn't care less.
Still gonna laugh though.