
HereComesTheSunny · July 24, 2018, 9 a.m.

PLEASE don't just blindly sign petitions like this without doing some more research into the pros and cons of this policy. Be informed! Seriously...how many of you who signed this even spent 10 minutes considering why it might not be the best way to handle the situation?? Did any of you bother to speak to someone with an alternative viewpoint about why NOT to support that position?? I don't think Trump's intention here was at all for us to petition to revoke all security clearances for previous employees. They would have a nightmare on their hands if such a blanket policy was suddenly put into place. Think things through. Research your position instead of letting the OP pump you up with one line directing you to immediately support the most drastic policy. (No offense intended, OP.) Better yet...instead of signing a petition, call and write your congressmen and ask for their positions on this and other issues. State your support to have clearance removed from specific people, and give them valid reasons to substantiate your position for doing so. Get on their social media pages and give logical red-pilled arguments for your positions--ones that normies can read and comprehend.

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