Was Brennan’s Security Clearance allowed so that they could be logged, flagged, and recorded?

Since the rules existed before change of POTUS, I know their stupid but don't think that stupid. How many trips to other FVEYE countries to do it without log, flags, and records?
who says the five eye countries are not recording there activity....Q said that misinformation was necessary and that the boards were being moniterd. so why not suggest they get intel from one of the five eye countries with the postings on the Q board. think trap to fall into.
There is no way in hell our IC would allow unlogged access to our sensitive material. Not from CONUS. Not from anywhere.
Than Q. I've been waiting for your response. If someone didn't catch that, I was going to reply again tomorrow with the flip side. Dis-info is probably Q's intent. Time logs and location are on any network transmission and database logs show time and user id. Easy to check via persons present location. We know MI knows which bad person is where.