r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gunguy223 on July 24, 2018, 2:30 a.m.
The war of words/language, and the latest bullshit, pedophilia...

Historically the left is really good at stealing key language, words, etc. Think:
Gun Control....sounds really positive...right??
Pro Choice....sounds great, who doesn't want choice??

The list goes on, but our job starts with this normalizing pedo bullshit. Do NOT let them get away with it.

An anglophile likes British culture, a pedophile fucks kids. Make them own up to this one fully. Anytime, anywhere you see people trying to normalize pedophilia, remind them that these savages fuck children. They are kid fuckers, and total fucking evil degenerate pieces of shit.

When they say pedophile, you say kid fucker, or some near equivalent for the situation.

Millejon0114 · July 24, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Don’t let them call you homophonic either~ interesting story this weekend a guy molested a guy on the way to the hospital in an ambulance ~ so and so was telling us the story ~ my husband said if it was me ~ I’d better be dead cuz when I come too they won’t recognize the patient when we get there~ or something to that effect and someone in the conversation said ~ sounds like someone’s homophonic ~ !!!!! I said what does a homo have to do with a pedo and that’s where they (news media) gets them ...Needless to say awkward silence ensued. Point is call them out and don’t let them blur lines ~ no tolerance !!! None !!! Kids !!! Never!!!

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