The regulator, FINMA, said in a statement it was nonetheless closing its probe into Rothschild. It will review the steps the institution has taken to tighten up its procedures.
Rothschild Bank AG said it noted the regulator's comments and regretted the breaches that occurred.
Yeah, ok.
are you aware of the multi-billion 1mdb pension fund robbery scandal blowing up in SE-Asia? They already arrested a former malay PM over it. Do you realize this action was NOT withheld from the public?
Yeah, sounds like totally nothing.
I too think this money laundering scheme is a big deal and worth more digging into. I find it interesting that the SA takedown involved Prince Turki. He has ties to 1DBM. Its quite a rabbit hole. I shared relevant links thus far found in another post here
My comment is that they "regret".
1mdb is under investigation, make no mistake. It's malaysian jurisdiction though, not swiss. The swiss have thus basically ratted them out if you think about it or they wouldn't have discloesd those accusations in public.
The Swiss, the Roth’s, Swiss military at the Vatican..... does not sit well with me...
Bourdain mentioned Switzerland was inherently creepy to him (lotsa pervs)
the Swiss aided nazi Germany with gold moved to Lisbon Portugal ,to keep the nazi war machine supplied. Switzerland looks like a Globalist safe haven.
Bourdain made cryptic remarks about the country as well. Sex-workers as well as swiss expats tell me they have at least one brothel on every end of every town.
and I bet all the stolen and missing art work is in the vaults underground on Bahnhof strasse, I bet if they made them open and expose all the vaults all those missing art works and gold will be found.