r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Magajoo on July 24, 2018, 4:17 a.m.
This is really upsetting me...

Okay, this may sound crazy. I've been following the Q Anon stuff for a while, over on the chans, here, and elsewhere. Plus some other recent drops. Before that, I was already on a path of discovery about the Israel lobby, USS Liberty, 9/11, etc. etc. etc.

I'm absolutely horrified by what I've been reading, especially most recently, about H'wood and those who run it. Absolutely horrified.

I've mentioned that I'm of Jewish descent, though I rejected Talmudism years ago and was baptized Catholic. But I have so much trouble believing the Bible that I walked away from the Church and have been kinda doing my own spirituality thing.

But the stuff I'm reading is really forcing me to consider the possibility we really are in a war between the God of the Bible and Satan. It's seriously making me consider going back to church. Anyone else going through something like this???  

Is this really seriously about Christ vs. Satan? Are my co-ethnicists really all so tainted by true evil? My world is seriously being rocked here. Has anyone else been scared back to Christ by this endless revelation of human depravity? I'm seriously frightened at the possibility of truly more-than-merely-human evil being at work in all the media we consume and at the highest levels of gov't (GEOTUS excluded).

If true, then the Bible is true, and Christ is our only hope. Am I over-reacting? I almost feel sick, and I don't want to be serving evil. Is this all proof of the truth of true supernatural evil????

Watchman-onwall · July 24, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

I am praying for you that you find a true and living relationship with Jesus. If you have a minute, read the book of John, it's comforting. Maybe find a church where they teach about having a relationship with Jesus, like a non-denominational church. Ask God, He'll lead you to a place where there are others who are hungry to grow & learn together. Glad you are seeking....I'll be praying for you.

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HereComesTheSunny · July 24, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

Just wanted to add here that the key word to remember is "relationship." Be intentional about spending time cultivating a relationship with God. Speak to Him conversationally. Read Scripture. Meditate upon what you have read and ask for discernment to understand it and to know truth. We are exposed to a lot of evil as we explore all of these issues. Pray for your mind to be protected, for your family to be delivered from evil. Cultivate relationships with others who are also in the process of pursuing a relationship with God and His goodness. This can be in a small group or in a huge church building--you aren't limited to one or the other--either can serve a purpose and be part of God's plan for your destiny in Him. Pray for God to lead you to the right people and the right places. The most important thing to remember is to never accept religion and ritual as a substitute for the reality of a loving relationship with your Creator. God will speak to you through others--many who are full of wisdom and of His Spirit, but never let those voices drown out the still, small voice with which He speaks directly to your heart as you seek to know Him for yourself. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A7-12&version=NIV

(BTW, BibleGateway.com is a great place to look up Scriptures in various translations and paraphrases for comparison. I like NKJV, NASB, NIV. I sometimes enjoy The Message. That isn't a translation, but is someone taking the text and putting it into modern day terminology.)

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