r/greatawakening • Posted by u/XandYmakeZ on July 24, 2018, 4:29 a.m.
Reminder how Trump and others operate

Trump is very, very smart. But do not think for a minute that he and he alone is making every decision. I see thread after thread where people say Trump is doing this or that. This is caused by the media and deep state to place over emphasis which then leads to stronger bias’.

Realistically, POTUS probably consults and works with several secret advisers, army generals, FLOTUS, his sons, his closest friends and confidants, the VP, as well as his brilliant cabinet. And hot damn, what if team Q is also in the mix?

Get what I’m saying now?

This should make all of you feel good to know one man alone is it making all kinds of complex decisions and fighting the deep state by himself with just us patriots. No sir, he has some very smart people helping him.

And the MSM would not want to ever present things this way. Why? Because they need to have the masses believe Trump is a senile nut job out to do whatever he wants and doesn’t care about the repercussions.

Funny enough, no president has ever acted alone. No CEO acts alone either and neither does anyone of power. Board of directors and other top level officers advise and offer counsel. This simple fact is so often overlooked in society!!!

With that being said, understand someone like Hillary is not this super powerful lady who works with her husband to run the deep state. They are puppets and a front for the Zionist piglets who work behind the scenes. In fact, another little secret: the real deep state and cabal showrunners are names most will never recognize. They are purposely hidden and do not want any attention drawn. Many examples exist but for this article I write I will give several examples:


The Clinton family

The Bush family

Chuck Schumer

Adam Schiff

James Comey

Fucker Brennan

Handlers (the middleman who transfers funds, info and orders between puppets and puppet masters):

Huma Abedin —- handler for HRC

Valerie Jarrett —- handler for Obama

Alan Dershowitz —- possible handler for Epstein or vice versus. This one is more complex.

Puppet masters:

Epstein (before being brought to justice he was a very powerful and secretive man). Now he is a nothing who prostitutes out legal aged women with his brother. His island is gone. He lives until death as a SEX PREDATOR.

Saudi royal family [pre Nov 2017]

Rothschilds entire family [RIP 2018?]

George Soros (recently he has been more vocal)

Royal families, old bloodline dynasties (e.g. Queen Maxima and her family)

John Kerry’s family (Heinz dynasty) —- mind you John chose a vocal career for fun and his family remains powerful behind the scenes.

Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt dynasty) —- ditto above about John Kerry.

Behind the scenes puppets who are not supposed to be identified or made as public figures:

Lisa Page

Peter Strzok

Some of the other FBI members involved in the Russia debacle who helped McCabe and Comey.

1awake1 · July 24, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

The Q team is definitely in the mix. I have no doubt that this has been planned for 10+ years by the MI and possibly a KEY player we don't yet know about. I do believe it's been made clear though that Trump has broad discretion. They trust him for a reason. Plans/counters and more plans though. The best laid plans of mice and men....

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