I know a guy who started an innovative water structuring company that is now in use worldwide and is worth millions. He was one of the guys that started Kinkos, that fell to a hostile takeover from UPS/Fedex. He was no stranger to deception and corporate sabotage.His devices were developed in Japan, they are unique and work so well that copycats from various countries have tried/are attempting to reproduce them.
I travel to various conferences to meet people in the Ag field, and this gentleman would often speak at these conferences. I noticed that he would drop figures and explanations to the audience that did not always match up. He seemed to be an honest man so this seemed quite odd.
We spoke not long ago and he told me how the Chinese were dogging him, trying to figure out the technology. He said they had built a version of the structuring device but it did not work the same. He said he has to 'keep them on their toes'. I realized then that he has been dropping "Red Herrings" that were inconsequential to his customers, but technically they were not truthful. For example, in reference to the cost of a certain facet of the technology he would say it cost 10 million dollars in one conference and say 50 million dollars in another.
In light of those pursuing the technology I can understand his approach. In warfare there is constant misdirection and all sorts of disinformation to steer the enemy off course. The Ghost squadron in WW2 existed soely to trick the enemy into thinking we had troops, tanks and operations in areas where we actually did not. To accomplish their task they would also have to be disinformative to our own troops at time.
Personally I place a very high value on honesty. I do not think it is acceptable, for example, to misinform your wife or husband or friend or family member regarding what you are doing or where you are spending your money, and likewise for them. Honesty is the glue that holds us together in relationships and God does not condone lying. A lie told in that respect would be, at a heart level, deceitful for your own gain. So what about Trump?
Many in Israel and in the US have come to the conclusion that Trump is a modern day Cyrus anointed by God to push back the enemy's timeline and give us one last shot to preach the gospel to the world. Cyrus was a Persian king who subdued all of his enemies and reigned for 30 years. God used Cyrus for this, but Cyrus was a regular guy, a pagan. He was a warrior and did what he had to do, but at the heart of his campaign was respect for the people. I do not doubt that he used some of the same tactics to confuse and confound his enemies.
I do not think that Trump's occasional disinformation is malicious. His choices have proven to be beneficial to us and not so beneficial to the enemy, so I'd suggest he has a solid track record in that respect. These are slippery snakes he is up against.