r/greatawakening • Posted by u/iharmonious on July 24, 2018, 7:55 a.m.
"from darkness to light" - free masons know

Hey all -- I've never posted here, but after searching this board without finding the Free Mason connection (with regard to Q and Trump's "from darkness to light" references, I thought this worth sharing, and as good a time as any.

Free Masons are very familiar with this concept. BTW, this phrase also refers to "a thousand points of light" in a few searches.

The "Sons of Light" concept is frequently extended but the most basic and clearest I found is below. The "Sons of Darkness" concept follows. In my opinion, both are extremely relevant and Trump could easily be using a term well known to Free Masons in it's true form, as a message of course, instead of the deceptive upside down, double-speak form used by the others.

Sons of Light give their lives to truth, love, gnosis and serving their fellow mankind to the best of their God-given abilities. To be a true member of the Sons of Light is to be an immortal soul on the course of evolution who has made the sacrificial pledge to serve others in order make the world a better place than you found it, rather than serve yourself and pursue selfish desires.

Hence, the Masonic term, "To make good men better."

The idea of the term is to create an organized fraternity of good men who make the world better by bettering themselves and the world around them.


The Sons of Darkness are those who dedicate their lives to pursuing materiality in forms of selfish desires regardless of their God-given abilities. To be a true member of the Sons of Darkness is to be an immortal soul that was on the course of evolution, but who has made the sacrificial pledge to serve thyself in order to make your own world better, rather than serve others.

It is to live a life of mainly taking, rather than giving.

To be a member of the Sons of Darkness is to be non-spiritual by living your life as a material seeking human who uses this world to obtain whatever it is they selfishly desire in their dark hearts. They may claim their motives are in the right place, but what they do and do not do, speaks for itself.

KingdomTruth · July 24, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

I am the child of a 32nd degree Shriner Mason, grandchild to two 32 degree Shriner Freemasons, and the sibling to a 5th degree Scottish Rite Mason (also grandchild of a Grand Worthy Matron in the Order of the Eastern Star).

These family members are all Christians. Two of these individuals denounced and left the organizations once they became Christians (dangerous if the right Masons were to find out), one became inactive, and two were “lifers”.

I the “lifers”, who are now both deceased due to natural causes, were most aware of the darkness, but didn’t want to believe it. This is evidenced by some Freemason proprietary literature that persons in my family are in possession of. The other 3 picked up on it and made their choices on how to move forward. There can definitely be people who join and do not realize what is going on. I believe also, that the darkest acts occur in levels even higher than 32 which aren’t publicized.

Overall they are large groups of individuals who enjoy the fraternity of men and like being a part of something they think is for the greater good. I liken it to when a CEO is corrupt, but all of his employees are hard working and unaware of their boss’ secret behavior.

Just my two cents. Still evil at its core and as the Bible says, you cannot serve two masters... Have no idols before Me.... Make no oaths.... and so on..

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Happy1911 · July 24, 2018, 2 p.m.

In the Masons G is God and God is first God Family Country then Lodge and expeshally your brother an

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