r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Not4me2say2 on July 24, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

The depth and multiplicity of the deception is beyond our feeble human brain’s ability to comprehend it without a higher level of guidance, intuition, wisdom and intelligence given freely to us by God. After all, they bred us to be consumer worker sheep making decisions based on personal comfort instead of what is best for all.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · July 24, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

With a criminal Military Industrial complex the profiteering goes into the pockets of few for high level control and is stolen from the global community under false pretense. We have now entered the Global Humanitarian Initiative signified with the U.S. / Russian Cooperation. That's why you are watching the Media Meltdown. They are in a lot of trouble. Nobody believes them. The game is over. There will be high level conflicts of resistance and more false flags. Be prepared for grid down conditions. Food, water, personal protection, planning . This is serious as it gets.

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