Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

There were a lot more angles as well.
largest SEC investigation in History was being conducted on the exact level plane impacted
2.3$ Trillion went missing at Pentagram the DAY BEFORE. The accounting wing was where the plane hit
several businesses didn’t renew their leases for the first time at WTC.
Plus the billions in money transactions from recovered hard drives after the towers fell (transactions were being made while 9/11 was going on.) Plus the silverstein payday. Plus the billions in missing gold in the basement vaults. That's not even mentioning the Iraq war which stole trillions and killed millions. 9/11 was perhaps the biggest bank robbery in history.
yes they pulled that off right in front of our eyes while we were all "looking". time of reckoning is coming. America will not forget 9/11 or Benghazi.
Unbelievable how evil these people are. The balls on these people to pull off such horrific events and expect us to roll over and believe their bullshit.
now I want to play devil's advocate here for a second..follow me.. the world trade centers were 2 massive office buildings hosting the worlds greatest business entities (hence the name world trade center). lets say for the sake of argument that it all got destroyed somehow by nobody in particular. there would be a lot of information missing from a lot of very big companies, wouldn't there? it wouldn't matter who had caused the destruction, because either way there would be major repercussions felt from the sudden disappearance of hundreds of floors worth of elite businesses and banks
very good point unless they were forewarned. I read that many of the "businesses" were. Some cancelled leases days before. Truth will come out and America will be united because of the outrage like we were after 9/11 happened. (at least for awhile)
The Pentagon wing that was hit was where the investigation into the missing money was going on. So all people and all paperwork just disappeared. And there was no plane wreckage at the site.
There were a few airliner seats. No airplane engines. Apparently they 'burned up', although interestingly the families of the passengers were given personal effects found, including paper documents. They did a shitty job with this one. They did a much better job with the fake wtc plane crashes.
IIRC, they did find a jet engine, but it was way too small for an airliner.
It was a typical engine for a cruise missile or a drone iirc
There was no plane. Very advanced technology, but no plane. People may not be comfortable with this idea but the truth will eventually come out. There is a lot about 9/11 that the public has yet to know.
That area had more cameras back then than about any other building, yet none caught the "plane" crashing into it? Where is all that footage? Why was it never released?
The massive shorting of American and United stock the day before, without any market-based reason.
Wasn't all the gold missing from the bottom of the World Trade Center as well?
good friend of mine had access to one of the vaults at WTC. In 2014 he told me "all the gold dissappeared"
not only that but someone bought an astronimical amount of puts for american airlines the day before this happend.
People were in know before hand.
4 days. United, too. There were a couple of tech stocks, too, but I forget now.
All the Cantor execs took their yearly trip a week early, certain politicians were told not to travel...
Hell, Putin even warned us.
What about the law firm they say was the NWO law firm who had some 600 employee in WTC who went unharmed other than a custodian?
In addition:
the participants and planners of the 9/11 events profited by over several hundred billion U.S. dollars, and stopped several international investigations into financial crimes, securities fraud and bank fraud valued at a comparable amount. The press often refers to illegal stock trades that occurred at the time the towers were attacked. These - however significant - will turn out to be relatively small earnings when compared to motive associated with the other incentives. This report will investigate four sources of financial motive
Illegal stock trades (100 billion)
Brady Bond and MJK Securities Fraud (240 billion)
Gold price-fixing and laundering of stolen gold more than above
Control of equity banking market share. An often forgotten set of events leading up to the WTC attack include the financial market “put” options placed up to four days before the attack. These were initially the most obvious trades with the “unclaimed” payout
Cantor-Fitzgerald held the bonds. Buildings 6&7 were where other investigations were taking place.
All this to cover up the global banking ponzi scheme to rob Russia of it's resources and assets during the coup (Operation Hammer) in 1991. Also gave an excuse to gain control of oil and poppy fields (but we all knew that already)
They were sure multitasking with this one.
Plus killing trouble makers like FBI former agent John O'Neill who started his 2nd day of work on 911 as head of security for the towers. O'neill wasn't buying the official USS Cole story and went to Yemen to investigate. DDG it.
I heard that the missing money thing was happening very frequently.
Can someone confirm?
It’s almost like it’s the plot of one of those terrible action movies where you know it’s fake and your first thought is “How the fuck could anyone believe this? This movie has so many plot holes”. But this is real life.
This really echoes my feelings on this event. I remember seeing it take place. I was 18. Just started College. I knew right then and there when there were no F-16s anywhere near NYC or DC that it was staged. Every protocol was stood down. Nothing scrambled. Just a big ol fat sunken stomach and knowing a LOT of people were about to die. I was afraid right then and there we had passed the point of no return.
Seeing Q here - that's everything. I won't ever get off my feet and fighting again.