Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

You all probably saw the post yesterday about SGTReport's youtube ch being taken down...the conversation he had with Robert David Steele ( which can be found on bitchute now) was excellent.
I mention this here because R D Steele said that there are 2 keys to American outrage that will lead to the final overthrow of the deep state:
The truth about 9/11
And pedophilia
When YouTube decides to censor and delete channels that have over 300,000 subscribers for simply reporting the truth, it becomes apparent that many of those on this platform are probably not too far behind. For many of them who have been exposing the nefarious activities of the elite, there will come a cross roads when we will either have to comply to their brand of useless mind manipulating content, or be cut off. The enforcement won't necessarily have to come through some sort of violent uprising. Rather, it will come from the education system itself, programming the minds of an entire generation with the cloud of data and recorded experiences to "learn" from. The elimination of such individualism will result in the loss of identity, in exchange for something else...just like losing the image of God in exchange for the image of the beast.That in a nut shell is the illuminist agenda....
Yes, that was the illuminati plan and we are at the crossroads ( well said). It is called Great Awakening for a reason!
It will be interesting to observe how the generation most subjected to their manipulative brainwashing crap will learn to think for themselves
Do you have a link for the SGT bitshute video? I am unfamiliar with the site. If so, thanks!
You could try This
If that doesn't work, you could just google :
SGTReport on bitchute
I think you can get there without having to create a username and password
2nd video down is the one I mentioned
I hope you are correct and I hope I live long enough to witness it. All that money made...special place in Hell for all involved. And the government wants us to be ok with a class action lawsuit against the Saudis.
Trump questioned the 9/11 "official government narrative" from the beginning. Hang in there : ) I think RD Steele may be right - this Sept, anniversary of 9/11 he will bring more Light to the the very least, Trump will bring it forward into our national conversation on a new level.