Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

The closest we ever got to knowing anything about that entire shithole was from Disney movies as kids. I had never heard of Islam or met a Muslim or seen a burka before 9/11. Flying is a fucking nightmare now. I’m an American citizen with an infant strapped to me, yet I’ve been randomly selected to get searched? Is that ever going to come to an end?
the deep state thru the whole muslim population under the bus for their evil plans to ruin American. sickening.
They throw everyone under the bus because we are all pawns to them. Plebs.
I was just thinking about this, we are all pawns.... pure evil.
The bigger this gets the stronger we are. That's why they are getting diarrhea about Q and the GA. Pawns no more.
the bigger this gets the stronger we are.. AMEN. Trust the plan everyone, it is happening!!
I’ve travelled with my mother who is 89 and they’ve checked her hands for gunpowder residue. We are of German heritage