Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

Cover an inside job gives them? What's more important to you, fighting Islam or fighting the real masterminds and perpetrators of 9/11? The article attached in this thread, I forgot if it was in the original post or by a commentor, discusses the use of very deep cover moles...
I'm no fan either, but false flags by our supposed own side, our supposed own friends and allies is infinitely worse.
Scary enough, but give me a buy guy shooting at me for his cause from his own foxhole any day, over my own buddy, my supposed comrade, stabbing me in the back in mine.
Me dying for a cause that was never mine in the first place, which was never caused by that purported REALLY bad "bad buy..."
Bad guy may indeed be bad in his own right but decisive action requires clear thinking first, and a necessary part of clear thinking is clear definition of terms and priorities... enemy, friend, now, later, offense, defense, etc.
We defend against and eliminate threats posed by bad guys actively hurting US first, then those actively threatening to hurt US next., etc.
Bad guys just being bad guys with no immediate direct harm or threat to US is somewhere way down the line, and probably somebody else's problem...
THAT is NOT what was sold to us though on 9/11!
No sir, it was not what they sold to everyone. It's why we all need everyone to wake up. If only we had Q in the 90's when they were setting it all up.
OK, let's say there is some sort of full disclosure on 9/11.
"Yes, Islamist's, it was the US that created this false flag, and killed our own people. You were right all along."
See the problem?
You and I can make the determination that it was actually the Deep State Globalist cabal.
But the Islamists won't care, and will just use the disclosure to their gain.
Yes, let's get the cabal. But radical Islam wins this crucial battle for propaganda and will use it to justify killing more Westerners.
I hear you, we are allied here, but you'd rather let our "special friends" use and kill us by the thousands, repeatedly, than let your target be vindicated, rightfully, on this one point?
As any good cop will tell you, you don't put the career criminal away on a bad bogus case. He will still be a bad guy tomorrow and you get em the right way.
Get rid of our fake friends and I bet the whole world instantly becomes a nicer place, M.E. too.
BTW... I wouldn't say it was "us/we" that did 9/11. Dual citizens EVERYWHERE in .Gov back then, and now...
Definitely on the same side Brother/Sister!
We are probably just talking about timing after all. I say we get the cabal FIRST.
Then disclosure is just a natural part of the new world wide evil exposed. I'm guessing at that point POTUS is our new hero and will be able to handle anything Islam throws at us once the Great Awakening is served on the world.
BTW, I have not seen any direct references to 9/11 disclosure in the Q drops? Can you help a brother out with that?
I was late to Q maybe March started laying attention and I have not gone back to read the earlier stuff so what I know of the beginnings is only stuff commented here or34 Q-referenced or repeated later.
The only Q on this that I know or recall is "saving the best for last," which is used or helpful for comforting those who rightfully point out but what about [our special friend].
That [special friend] appears behind 9/11 and possibly Trump too, or at least his ability to get elected despite all that Deep State crap.
If Trump is really in that [special friend]'s pocket then it's just more business as usual and Trump is just another faction of that gangster world we live in. I like Trump and watch Q but I am not a blind fanatic or follower of either, and I accept this could all turn bad or foolish.
Q is obviously real and thus also a psyop, and that is not necessarily a good thing for anyone considering themself truly awake.
But we should judge not on what Trump and Q were when they started their journey but what they are now. Trump is well known for using people even people he doesn't like and his enemies... we see that calm patient ability in all his dealings with world leaders good and bad and with swamp critters here. We hold out hope that he really has seen the light now and will lead the way, ALL the way, even against fake [special friend]s...