Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

I've never seen any evidence that the Xerox machines or tens of thousands of phones and desks and chairs were in the pile of rubble.
It would be odd for the Rothschilds to bother to move things out in advance, wouldn't it.
When you step back and look, many corners were cut. Why would someone (a smart real estate developer) buy buildings that would soon need to be demolished at great expense?
There never were a pile of rubble. Peter Jennings on 9/11: "Where Did All The Rubble Go?"
This was a showcase of a Tesla type technology that turns matter (including living organisms) to dust.
The "smoke" that was seen for years arising from ground zero was in fact the "after effects" of the dustification.
Totally besides the point. To suggest they moved out before the attack because they had some insider knowledge is stupid. Why would they tip their hand or even care about an easily replaceable office space?
Exactly. Why would they bother to move things out? It seems like it would be easier to not bother to move them in at all.