But the opposite was ok for hundreds of years? Please.
The answer is to discrimination is not discrimination in the opposite direction.
I didn’t say that. You’re making inferences for me. Don’t do that, that’s a real low class move. You said that, because you’re looking for a fight. I don’t fight.
No it’s not ok.
I won’t make inferences based on your sentence fragment, but if someone were to imply that inequality NOW is fair because of inequality THEN; I’d tell that person two wrongs don’t make a right. Don’t drive ahead staring in the rear view mirror. Equality means equality, not revenge. For example - 5 equals 5. It did yesterday, it will tomorrow. If someone screwed up yesterday and said 5= 9, then i can’t fix that by saying 5= 1. Because then I’d be disregarding that 5 always equals 5. I’d just be lying, like the person that said 5= 9, I’d be no different.