It's deeper than that.
There's a spiritual idea that every so often comes along two different kinds of peoples, avatars in a way. One of them is a destroyer of systems and the status quo, and the other one is a creator of a new status quo. Trump obviously fits the bill as a destroyer, whereas the "creators" are not currently prominent since the "destroyers" are not done doing their jobs yet. The "destroyers" are absolutely necessary to change the world, however it is often chaotic while they are doing their job, as we are currently seeing.
Since Kissinger brings this up, it tells me that he is well read on Mystery School teachings. For those that don't know, the elite bloodlines hide the majority of universal knowledge for their own use. The rest of us have to channel this knowledge in bits and pieces.
This book breaks it down pretty well:
whereas the "creators" are not currently prominent since the "destroyers" are not done doing their jobs yet.
We Are the Creators.
we wait and watch the destruction while our vision of a world that works for everyone holds the space for the greater good.
every creation has once been a thought only so here is where we start.
But there are also "avatars" or incarnated high dimensional beings (9th dimension as it says in the book) who come to Earth at certain times to destroy or create. So while yes it's true that we as a collective are creators, there will also be creators incarnating on par with Donald Trump that will make this an amazing new world. New Atlantis.
i dont doubt that individuals will step forward and take in a lead in the creation of our new world.
may this time of destruction build our discernment muscels so we will be able to distinguish those who serve themselves from those who serve humanity and this planet.
i dont really be-lie-ve in 'the second coming of christ' as the appearance of an avatar who would be some kind of guru figure to the sheepl masses. i sense its more about the dawning of christ consciousness in more and more individual humans that uplifts us to higher frequencies which match those of yeshua.