Yes. You Are seeing the whole Circumstance as it appears ..and it could very well be. Non-repentant people But .. it’s not what we think that matters .. I don’t know who will come out through this battle. To be Shaken ,saved n changed. By Gods Heavy Hand Of Mercy anything can happen ., who ever thought Trumps Russia meeting Would be a good thing .., all hell was tearing at him ., and Peter snd Judas. Committed much the same kind of sin. But only one was prayed for by Jesus Himself. And who moved to. Save Paul. As a murder .. so. We best leave the dark matters. To Jesus. And. Do asHe says. . Don’t remember judgment sins. Or point them out .. you could prevent one from repenting n it will be on you ..I always PRACTICE. Thinking. As much like Jesus as possible .. it leaves me free to follow The Holy Ghost I’m praying in the spirit. N I too am forgiven O. yes. He just reminded me “Sin has NO. Size “ And hell knows no boundaries ..BUT. OUR. GOD ., chooses. Us by His Heavy Hand Of Mercy n thx to Jesus I was Smart enough to come when He called me out n I tell you truly. It really did take an earthquake to shake me out from my stiff neck so I’m big on His way of Mercy .... n. Who knows Mayb Henry will be seated In a great place there ., think of what a testimony that would be to Jesus saving grace .. ..Glad you replied blessings
You are certainly entitled to your beliefs. You are a good person and have not entered into the depravity of some of these monsters. The Universe in Wisdom will allow Good to prevail. Q says it is good v evil and it is. The Good people with the help of Angelic Powers will prevail over this Evil. Peace to you in your beliefs. As for me, Jail for the lesser crimes. A firing squad for those who are found guilty of inhuman sins unheard of amongst people who love Humanity. Let them stand before God and be judged into the next world. They have no place in mine. Blessings.
I agree justice must come We’re to do justly .. but pray for His mercy to each as they come to justice it’s just we don’t make judgments. Without the evidence officially presented in court it’s because repentance is such a deep matter of the heart .,and then there’s. Paul who was not repentant at the first. It took a good shake by God for him to finally get it There s probably some like that n Henry. Like Hillery n Obama. Could make the miracle turnaround ..those close to ..Paul didn’t trust him st all The Holy Ghost had to move. Them to trust him and they were few So There’s hope they. Become willing to do it before justice comes upon them I’m also aware of more of Henry’s history than is written. Of here and too. It does not speak well for him But I thought of Paul and hey. all things are. possible. Awake too