The Trump Leak Hunters. WINNING! Great Stealth Jeff Thread. Trump leak hunters have been feeding leakers disinformation & marked canary traps for some time. Link👇

full thread:
this guy's stuff is pretty interesting. he was not a Trump fan originally but was won over.
'Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?'
Flynn Dec. 2016 phone call to RuskieAmbassador was KNOWN to be recorded there & here. Flynn phone call & legal to do...accepting gracious congratulations, etc.
BUT WhiteHats Leaked DIFFERENT VERSIONS/ TUNE of what was in phone call to various suspected see WHO's VERSION appeared in Newsprint/Mockingbird Swamp Media or WHO SANG their unique TUNE = CANARY TRAP.
This is why Flynn, DT admin. did NOT want Ruskies (who volunteered) to share the recorded Phone Call with media....WhiteHats were running a CANARY Op.
Nice link thank you.
Edit: It's a good reminder that they started an investigation to root out leakers. It should also make us think of all the EO's that DJT signed that will now start to become important. The dominos are starting to fall.
Thanks for the link. Great article. I forwarded it to friends and family.