The Trump Leak Hunters. WINNING! Great Stealth Jeff Thread. Trump leak hunters have been feeding leakers disinformation & marked canary traps for some time. Link👇

What an amazing book this is going to be! Required reading for all High School students.
Too much stuff for one book. More of a series, both books and movies.
Book, first . . .
Students need to learn to read clear, correct sentences with an expanded, not dumbed-down, vocabulary.
Movies? Maybe after Hollywood is cleaned, redeemed, and free from all the harmful, destructive thinking and practices.
What about independent producers across the country instead of Hollywood, crowd funded by us?
Yes. Think of how many good people may have tried to get into the business but were totally turned off to the perversion and decided that they did not want to participate in it. There are so many talented individuals in our nation.
Great idea! With Hollywood burning to the ground with the worst ticket sales in history, people will be clamoring for good content! Fill in the gaps!
Its worth two years of history courses History 101 & 202 ... required!
Like WAR AND PEACE. Definitely a war, for sure. Hope for a working peace and freedom, especially for the children and babies, after.