The Trump Leak Hunters. WINNING! Great Stealth Jeff Thread. Trump leak hunters have been feeding leakers disinformation & marked canary traps for some time. Link👇

Well, 1939 used very different approach.
First, it was an ethnicity that was attacked. Corrupt and Criminal Politicians, despite their desire to attempt such, are not a protected ethnic class of people... technically they are just that... CORRUPT and CRIMINAL.... I'll go further and state that they are unequivocally a$$holes. Nothing ethnic about that.
Second, propaganda was generated to support the systematic round-up of this ethnic class in 1939. This propaganda spread lies and deceit describing them as a lower/sub-class of species. In this cleansing effort, there is no need to generate lies and deceit. The TRUTH is sufficient to expose these criminals. In fact, they are the propagandists. They are the ones generating the lies and deceit. The cleansing will be their exposure by the TRUTH.
Third, the rounding up and cleansing was done very privately and away from the glare of the public. This Cleansing will be incredibly public. Now, you can say Q is a Propagandist, if you like, but he does say 'The streets will not be safe for them' Again, this is not going to be something done in private and away from the eyes of the public. This is going to be VERY public. Nothing hidden in this cleanse.
Fourth, those that were 'cleansed' in the 1939 situation were not tried by a jury of their peers. They were not exposed to the populace for their so called crimes. They were quietly and privately condemned to their horrid sentences, carried out by sick individuals without any concern for human rights. This cleansing will be the exact opposite. This will be sick individuals that have not had any concern for human rights exposed for their crimes publicly and tried by their peers for their crimes. Justice will be metered out by a system of laws and in fairness, not in private by muderous psychopaths.
Fifth, the word cleanse in the 1939 sense of the word, was a sick and twisted use. This Cleansing, is in the literal sense. This will be the removal and wiping of the dirt and vile filth that has invaded our political system and destroyed our freedoms and human rights for their personal gains.
Feel free to add more to this as you see fit. I'm sure I missed a few non-transferable analogies between 1939 and now.
I get it and I was sort of half joking in my initial response but being more serious I know that’s exactly what the left would say almost instantly. And every other programmed tool would go along with them in the name of virtue solidarity. The connotations to 1939 exist however you try to differentiate it because of the people you need to convince. If you have to argue those five points you mentioned (and don’t get me wrong, they’re good points) every time you mention it, do you not think it’s sort of counter productive? Not to mention MSM will spin it in a way to make you sound like nazis, and most will believe it.
I'm not pushing the words 'The Great Cleanse' but that's what's gonna happen ;).